Our Coaches Coach

Arnout Orelio

Owner – The Lean Mentor

Coaching description

Arnout Orelio has been working with Lean management since 1995, the last 15 years as a trainer, coach and consultant in healthcare. Because of his training as an engineer, Arnout’s focus in the first years of his working life was on production and project management, in the automotive industry.

From there, he moved to a Lean consultancy firm. Here, he developed himself as a consultant, trainer, coach, program manager and partner. His clients came from process industry to assembly and everything in between. However, it became increasingly clear to him that the Lean management philosophy could be valuable in many more branches! At the same time as a young father, he ran into things in healthcare that he thought could be done much better. So, he set up a team and started his mission to spread Lean thinking in healthcare.

The last 10 years, Arnout has been working out of his own business: “The Lean Mentor”, to help people - around the globe - develop their leadership, in their role as Lean leaders, coaches, consultants and practitioners, aiming for world-class performance, in healthcare and beyond.

He taught hundreds of (healthcare) leaders and professionals — from doctors to nurses and from team leaders to board members—how develop their leadership and keep improving. In addition, he taught them how to coach their colleagues and spread Lean further, making them self-reliant.

Based on all his experience, Arnout authored two books, Lean Thinking for Emerging Healthcare Leaders (2020) and Lean Thinking in Healthcare.

Program Instructor
Individual Courses Supported:
  • Goal Setting & Self-Reliance
  • Lean Practitioner - L2
  • Lean Introduction - L1
  • Connect with Arnout
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