Leadership Solutions Leadership Assessments

Leadership assessments can give you an objective idea of your abilities as a business leader.

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Regardless of your stage of career, leadership assessment can give you an objective idea of your abilities as a business leader.
Leadership assessment can give you an objective idea of your abilities as a business leader no matter what stage you are in your career.
A lifetime of learning in top management means that you should be standing back to reassess your leadership skills at regular intervals. Leadership assessments are vital to ensure upgrading of leadership skills and competencies by the following people: functional managers, mid-career business leaders, senior executives & CEOs, and people seeking development of leadership skills. 
A high-quality leadership assessment will inform you about what kind of person you are. This is a critical factor on the journey to becoming a better leader. Self-awareness of your personal qualities and leadership skills can improve exponentially the way you lead organizations and deal with others.
Leadership assessment can play another critical role for your organization as part of a leadership development plan. It allows a company to better understand its managers at different levels to lead teams and projects.

The importance of assessing EI

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a set of emotional and social skills that influence the way we perceive and express ourselves, develop and maintain social relationships, cope with challenges, and use emotional information in an effective and meaningful way.

Emotional Intelligence is proven to be a key indicator of human performance and development. People higher in EI communicate effectively, form strong relationships, and create powerful coping strategies. EI can be measured – more accessibly and less controversially than IQ – and unlike IQ, it can be substantially strengthened and developed.
EQ-I 2.0 Assessments
EQ360 Assessments
EQ-I 2.0 Assessments
An employee’s skills and qualifications are important for success within their role. An employee’s emotional intelligence can be just as important, if not more so, for fulfillment within, or potentially beyond, their current role. The Workplace Report is designed to be used in instances of coaching and development situations in work settings for an individual at a non-management level. It helps coaches focus on the impact of emotional intelligence at work and offers suggestions for working more effectively in one’s role, with colleagues, supervisors and clients.
Every company has experienced instances where a leader within the organization shows strengths in core competencies necessary for the role, but may be exhibiting EI blind spots of which peers are taking notice. The Leadership Report can be used to focus and hone development activities for high-potential leaders. The Leadership Report examines results through four key dimensions: Authenticity, Coaching, Insight, and Innovation. The report also contains insights on the possible implications of results, and which skills have the highest potential of becoming leadership derailers. Strategies for development will be provided with the aim to attain true leadership potential, while being able to compare results against top leaders as a benchmark.
EQ360 Assessments
When working in an organization, it is important to be cognizant of the impact of one’s actions on colleagues. The EQ 360 report offers an in-depth analysis by having those that work with an individual and know them personally provide feedback in addition their self-assessment to provide a 360 degree view of his or her effectiveness and EQ competencies. This report can be used for results specific to a workplace context, enabling career and organizational development. It identifies blind spots, strengths, and developmental opportunities in the workplace. The Workplace 360 report lends itself well to a follow-up with the same group of evaluators to compare results and track progress.
When looking at a potential, new, or existing leader within an organization, it is not only important to gain an understanding of their performance in the workplace; but also for them to gain insights into their performance as a leader by peers, direct reports and supervisors. Similar to the Workplace EQ 360, the Leadership EQ 360 Report allows for an unlimited number of raters to provide feedback and provides insights into opportunities for development. The Leadership 360 report lends itself well to a follow-up with the same group of evaluators to compare results and track progress.
Regardless of whether a group works harmoniously with great collaboration and cohesion, or finds itself with conflicting opinions and strategies that can affect the balance of a group, this report can be used when looking for deeper insights into a group’s strengths as well as areas where the group can be more effective. Implications at an organizational level can be examined and strategies for action can further develop the group’s potential. The EQ-i 2.0 Group Report combines the scores of individuals that take the assessment in a manner that enables interpretation at a group or team level.
How it works
To get started follow these four simple steps.
Step 1
Select the right assessment type
If you want to discuss the types of assessments available in further detail, contact the institute to discuss with a Certified Assessor.
Step 2
Take the assessment
Your Institute Coach will send you the assessment or link where you will take the assessment at your leisure. When complete, the assessment will be submitted to your coach (automation is based on assessment type).
Step 3
Have the debrief session
You and your coach will hold a two-hour virtual session in which your assessment will be reviewed, and a development plan will be jointly created.
Step 4
Make the decision to be self-reliant or obtain a coach
With the development plan created, you now can now self-manage the plan or select a coach to accompany you along your development journey.
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