Why Us Success Stories

What our clients are saying about us.

  • The Importance of Coaching

    Dr. Tony Hampton MD, MBA, CPE
    AOS/Beverly Medical Director
    Vice-Chair AMG
    Governing Council
    Co-Chair Advocate Diversity Council

    I experienced the Developing Leaders at All Levels training as an inspiring journey in which I was challenged to work on myself in the field of personal development and in the field of leadership. Throughout the journey I had fantastic guidance from the coaches who made me reflect on what I got out of the theory of the journey and gave me daily assignments to work on my goals. During the practical part of this voyage of discovery, I was assisted by great coaches who had extensive experience and training in the field of Lean, who have been an absolute inspiration for me during this journey. Together they triggered my solution-oriented mindset to first thoroughly search for the root cause of the problem and then work on structural solutions, implement, and evaluate these solutions. I have experienced the structure of the training as very pleasant, first the theoretical part where it is considered what you get out of the lesson material and then apply it extensively in practice. An absolute must for this training.

  • The Tipping Point of My Career

    Daniel Litvin de Almeida
    Operations Planning Manager

    I was not looking for management tools when I chose to take the Developing Lean Leadership course; I was looking to achieve a tipping point in my management model focused on people development.

    After my 20-week journey with my coach I received exactly that and much more. I can now see that a change in mindset was key to improving my professional and personal life - it has served as the basis for a continuous learning and development.

    The way the course is structured, especially the way that the coach established a trustful relationship, helped me stay in the action-mode instead of the thinking-mode, was a key factor for me.

    Another important learning moment for me was to start seeing every problem as an opportunity to be better, an opportunity to define my true north (the target). I learned that closing the gap toward the true north can be achieved by advancing one step at a time, and that the continuous application of the problem-solving process is essential for people's development.

  • A Profound Personal Journey

    Perry Thompson – Executive 

    I cannot say enough about the leadership-training program. I contacted the Institute, as I was intrigued because I saw that Jeff Liker was part of this training resource. My interest was piqued so I called and that was the start of something fabulous and profound on my own personal journey. I see leadership through a completely new set of lenses now. This is a very exciting and unique training and coaching approach and experience that puts the trainee and his coach right into the middle of the students everyday work life learning and solving problems together. The cost of this program is well worth the investment of our company to develop true leadership within our corporation and all our organizations.

  • Changing the Company Culture

    Ken Walter – CEO
    ESPEC North America Inc.

    We had felt our efforts towards changing our company culture from command and control to a culture where everyone felt comfortable solving problems had ceased to make progress after 4 years. Our production supervisors were practicing daily problem solving but only on a small problem level and it had ceased expanding throughout the organization.

    We decided the root cause was lack of leadership vision and training in how to use the problem-solving tool.

    When we saw the training module assembled by Dr. Liker and George it was exactly the bridge we had sought for our leadership training needs.

    The Institute is focused on the philosophy of leadership development with the base tool of problem solving. The training modules are very easy to adapt to your own company leadership tool details due to the tool agnostic nature of the training.

    Overall, the Institute is an excellent foundation on which to build a leadership training program. You just need to add a few tools specific to your company (which vary by leader type and level) and you have a very robust leadership training program.

    ESPEC North America has trained our first two levels of leaders and could not be happier with the results. Leaders are thinking more broadly about company problems and not just departmental problems.

    From the team member perspective, they are noticing the change in leadership attitude and focus. When leaders change, it opens everyone up to change.

  • Pride!

    Marije Verbakel - Quality Management
    Wednesday I was able to complete the Developing Leaders at All Levels training with a Black Belt certificate. In the 1st part of the training, I was stimulated to apply daily improvement directly from the theory. We were coached to go a step further every day and to develop a new habit. In addition to the daily feedback, the appointments were made via video conference, which made the experience flexible and I felt that our coach was sitting at the table with us. The 2nd part of the training I tackled a problem within our organization. The coaches were able to get the most out of me by slowing down my thoughts and tackling the problem step by step, keeping focus on my goal and stimulating my leadership skills. The training has given me many insights into the philosophy of Lean in addition to the opportunity to learn by working with this in daily practice, by involving and connecting people in the organization and joining forces with respect for each other. Working together to make every day a little better. Many thanks for the two enthusiastic and especially involved coaches.
  • An Absolute Must

    Iwan Kerklaan - Interim Manager

    I experienced the Developing Leaders at All Levels training as an inspiring journey in which I was challenged to work on myself in the field of personal development and in the field of leadership. Throughout the journey I had fantastic guidance from the coaches who made me reflect on what I got out of the theory of the journey and gave me daily assignments to work on my goals. During the practical part of this voyage of discovery, I was assisted by great coaches who had extensive experience and training in the field of Lean, who have been an absolute inspiration for me during this journey. Together they triggered my solution-oriented mindset to first thoroughly search for the root cause of the problem and then work on structural solutions, implement, and evaluate these solutions. I have experienced the structure of the training as very pleasant, first the theoretical part where it is considered what you get out of the lesson material and then apply it extensively in practice. An absolute must for this training.

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