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Art of Coaching

Managing for inspiration, motivation and growth [SELF-FUNDING]

Certification: Individual Program, Leadership Certification, Advanced Leadership Certification
Languages: English

About the course

An organization with a coaching culture can be described as one which adopts coaching practices as an integral way of managing and developing people. It recognizes the value of using a coaching approach to grow and develop its people in order to grow and develop the organization itself.

In a true coaching organization, leaders will recognize when a coaching approach is appropriate in managing their staff and apply these skills in their own role as a leader. They will not see coaching as ‘an additional responsibility which takes up additional time’, but rather an effective and efficient way of managing staff performance and improving business performance.

Developing yourself also lets you tap the potential in your team, creating not only a sustainable competitive advantage, but also an organizational snowball effect. As students become teachers, reaching an increasingly large group while evolving the role and expectations of a leader, the naturally compounding impact will drive the business at a cultural level.

You will learn
  • A clear, concise framework for coaching that stimulates high performance in others
  • Strategies to energize people and give clear, precise direction that leads to results
  • How to effectively develop the competence and confidence of your employees
  • Use of a coaching map to help you grow others
  • Concepts and skills of a coaching style of management
  • Processes for confronting people who need to change their behavior and/or improve their performance
  • Where to start applying your new coaching skills for maximum results and impact
  • How to communicate high expectations, respect and caring for your employees
  • Strategies to build commitment and get results
  • How and where to integrate new concepts into an existing repertoire of leadership skills
Who should attend

Managers who need to deliver results, build committed teams, and develop the next generation of leaders.

Personal benefits
  • Improved relationships with employees
  • Increased confidence and motivation to lead
  • Greater success rate in achieving strategic initiatives
Organizational benefits
  • Show you want to promote coaching company-wide
  • Build a pyramid of coaches of exceptional growth
  • Embrace the culture shift in learning promoted through coaching
  • Feel the impact of unlocking mindsets of individuals seeing true potential
  • Improved retention of top staff
  • Employee engagement at all levels
  • A strong succession plan
  • Receive multiple instructor-supported coaching sessions
  • 32 hours of coach-supported theory and application-based coaching
  • 3 hours of post-course coach support
  • 360 coaching practice
  • Learning supplements
  • LMS access for 1 year
Session Leader
Not Available
Session Date / Time
Delivery Options
  • Option 1: Non-scheduled cohort learning
  • Option 2: Scheduled session dates
Course Content
  • The core competencies and principles required to be a coach
  • The role and mindset of a Coach
  • Coaching models
  • The art of transitioning the “coachee” mindset from judgement to learning
  • The art of effective questioning
  • How to create ideal coaching conditions
  • The role of emotional intelligence
  • Importance of the feedback process
  • Why acknowledgment cycles are important
  • How to create a coaching plan
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