An organization with a coaching culture can be described as one which adopts coaching practices as an integral way of managing and developing people. It recognizes the value of using a coaching approach to grow and develop its people in order to grow and develop the organization itself.
In a true coaching organization, leaders will recognize when a coaching approach is appropriate in managing their staff and apply these skills in their own role as a leader. They will not see coaching as ‘an additional responsibility which takes up additional time’, but rather an effective and efficient way of managing staff performance and improving business performance.
Developing yourself also lets you tap the potential in your team, creating not only a sustainable competitive advantage, but also an organizational snowball effect. As students become teachers, reaching an increasingly large group while evolving the role and expectations of a leader, the naturally compounding impact will drive the business at a cultural level.
Managers who need to deliver results, build committed teams, and develop the next generation of leaders.