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Developing Lean Leadership - Level 1

Take the first step in understanding leadership

Certification: Individual Program
Languages: English

About the course

The Developing Leaders at All Levels course offers a unique and highly effective approach to leadership development through application of philosophy and values-based behavioural change. Break through your development plateaus through learnings based on our Leadership Development Model (LDM). Progress through cycles of deliberate practice to understand not only the actions required for improvement but also the underlying values and philosophy those actions are based on. The Leadership Development Model provides the basis for all talent management activities offered by the Institute.

This course is developed around the Shingo prize winning book Developing Lean Leaders at All Levels: A Practical Guide, written by Jeffrey K. Liker and published by the Institute. The book details a 2-phase learning system:

Phase 1: An in-depth discussion of Leadership values and mindset, building to problem solving and its intrinsic connection to performance measurement and standardization

Phase 2: Aspects are then organized and layered to form a platform for the Phase 2 Leadership Development Model – the core of many GLI courses and programs.

You will learn
  • The simple yet powerful Leadership Development Model
  • The values behind successful leaders and companies
  • The importance of self-development
  • How to coach and develop others
  • What it takes to support daily improvement
  • How to create strategy and the required alignment of your team
Who should attend

Emerging leaders who need to deliver results, build committed teams, and develop the next generation of leaders.

Personal benefits
  • Improved relationships with employees
  • Strengthened confidence and motivation to lead
  • Greater success rate in achieving strategic initiatives
  • Learn the basis on goal-setting in your personal and professional lives
  • Become more aware of true leadership
  • Personal or business challenge coaching (experience coaching real-time)
Organizational benefits
  • Create the beginning of a coach within the organization
  • Embrace the culture shift in learning promoted through coaching
  • Feel the impact of unlocking mindsets of individuals seeing true potential
  • Improved retention of staff
  • Employee engagement at all levels
  • A strong succession plan
  • Gain a true problem solver
  • 25+ hours of theory
  • Option 1: 8 hours of coach-supported theory and application-based coaching (1:1 delivery)
  • Option 2 & 3: 20 hours of coach-supported theory and application-based coaching (cohort delivery)
  • 4 hours of pre/post-course coach support
  • Book: Developing Leaders at all Levels
  • Quizzes to test learning after each lesson
  • Learning supplements
  • LMS access for 1 year
Session Leader
Session Date / Time
October 8, 2024
November 26, 2024
6:00 pm
8:00 pm
Every Tuesday
Delivery Options
  • Option 1: 1-on-1 coaching
  • Option 2: Non-scheduled cohort learning
  • Option 3: Scheduled session dates
Course Content
  • The basis of good leadership, lean thinking and value application
  • Toyota Business Practice (Problem Solving) overview
  • The importance of standard work and visual management
  • What is means to commit to self-development
  • Coaching techniques and explanation on how-to develop others
  • The leaders role in supporting daily improvement
  • How a leader can create a vision and align their team to achieve it
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