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Importance of Vulnerability

The first step in building trust

Certification: Individual Program, Leadership Certification, Advanced Leadership Certification
Languages: English

About the course

Leaders not willing to be vulnerable need not apply. Why do so many leaders treat vulnerability as a feared leadership trait? As a leader, do you often find yourself turning to self-deceptive actions to combat against feeling weak, exposed or even helpless? Well great news, vulnerable leaders create collaborative, innovative, and accepting workplaces. But how? Teams want to trust their leader and expect for their leader to trust them. This requires being transparent or in other words…being human.


This program explores recognizing and reducing the behaviors that create self-deception and its corresponding actions that deflect desired vulnerable traits.

You will learn
  • The impact of Self-Deception
  • Ego’s role in vulnerability
  • Common vulnerability myths
  • How to identify and lower your shields


Who should attend

Any manager or leader looking to grow and learn methods to better connect with their team.

Personal benefits
  • Improved relationships with employees
  • Strengthened confidence and motivation to lead
  • See others as people, not just resources
  • Gain the trust of your team by demonstrating trust
  • Create genuine connections, innovation and learning
  • Improve the working relationships through asking for help
  • See others as people, not objects
  • Learn how to gain the trust of your team by demonstrating trust


Organizational benefits
  • Embrace the culture shift in openness and humility
  • Unlock the mindsets of individuals with true potential
  • Improve retention of staff
  • Engage employees at all levels
  • Build trust between staff and leaders
  • Create an environment where emotions are shared and understood
  • 12.5 hours of theory and application-based coaching
  • 5.5 hours pre/post-course confirmation of learning (applied actions review)
  • Learning supplements
  • LMS access for 1 year
Session Leader
Not Available
Session Date / Time
Delivery Options
  • Option 1: Non-scheduled cohort learning
  • Option 2: Scheduled session dates
Course Content
  • Define vulnerability
  • Ego’s connecting to self-deception
  • Steps to strengthen a health ego
  • Common myths surrounding vulnerability
  • Understanding shame
  • Lower your shields
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