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Lean Introduction: Level 1

Continuous improvement principles and methodology

Certification: Individual Program
Languages: English

About the course

Lean is a user-focused methodology used to continuously improve any process through the elimination of waste in everything an organization does. More than a toolbox or program, Lean is a cultural concept that affects every level of an organization. Lean nurtures your leadership ability and is a seamless complement to the Developing Leaders at All Levels course. Employee development via Lean methodology is equally important in both creating a problem-solving culture and building an engaged workforce.

Lean transformation can start in any organizational function or department, and companies in any marketplace experience benefits from Lean transformation. As an individual. adding Lean Certification to your resume proves your commitment to improving your business acumen and communication strengths.

You will learn
  • The definition of Lean
  • Toyota Way principles
  • How to drive process thinking to identify and fix opportunities
  • Methods to identify waste and eliminate it
  • Strategies for increasing quality and customer value
  • The differing types of tools to use when understanding or fixing a problem
  • The power of visual management & 5S
  • The importance of standard work in your day or in a process
Who should attend

Leaders and team members across the organization to achieve a common understanding of language and approach around continuous improvement.

Personal benefits
  • Improved relationships with employees
  • Strengthened confidence and motivation to lead
  • Greater success rate in addressing problems
  • Gain knowledge in problem solving tools
  • Implement standard work in your daily routine to increase control
Organizational benefits
  • Increased customer satisfaction
  • Improve leaders’ ability to tackle issues and problems
  • Implement projects needed to move the company forward
  • Leverage problem solving processes to train and engage the workforce
  • Empower leaders and teams to drive change
  • Increase morale and profitability through change
  • Course will be self-funded via the required projects completed
  • 16 hours of theory and application-based coaching
  • 4 hours of pre/post-course coach support
  • Live coach support on coaching examples
  • Learning supplements
  • LMS access for 1 year
Session Leader
Session Date / Time
August 13, 2024
September 3, 2024
6:00 pm
10:00 pm
Every Tuesday
Delivery Options
  • Option 1: Non-scheduled cohort learning
  • Option 2: Scheduled session dates
Course Content
  • Overview of Lean and its origins
  • Learn the Lean Principles and corresponding tools
  • Understand visual management & 5S overview
  • Learn how to create standard work
  • Learn problem solving techniques
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